Cute us

Omg we've decided what songs gonna play on our wedding reception later.LATER lah sgt padahal berapa tahun lg insyaAllah.haha so funny I'm just 16 and we're deciding things about our wedding in the next few years.haha K whatever be jealous people.My boyfriend are so amazing you can't deny that people :P No words can describe how grateful I am for having him in my life.He's the best.Yeah maybe we argue alot but hey,that's a normal thing.and that doesn't make me love him less.My love for him grows stronger every each day.I feel down sometimes when you told me about your ex.Like I'm not here.Like I don't exist at all but I learned something from that,you need time to forget her.Everyone needs time to forget their pasts.I do understand that.It's okay,but I really hope you can forget her as soon as possible.I can't wait for 'the new Muhammad Luqman'.He's gonna be amazing,much more amazing than this Muhammad Luqman.Kan kan?

:D #happyface

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