Moving on is hard.But forgetting is the hardest part

I’ve had some cries in my lifetime,but tonights cry was probably the one that has meant the most.It was one of those cries where you feel like your soul is weeping along with you.Where you feel like you are letting out all the bad in your life and replacing it with new.You feel like you are cleansing your body.As much as I hate to cry I feel like tonights cry was worth it.I needed that.I needed someone to hold me while I cried and listen to my problems.I needed to release the horrible things I have been carrying around with me for so long.I needed to be released of all the burdens on my soul.Tonight I feel like I can finally move on from everything and get back to who I was and who I am.I can find me again.And you know what I realized?I am not alone in this.I am surrounded by the people that love me and the ones who will always be there for me no matter what.And I love them unconditionally for it <3 Life will get better.I have nothing to fear but fear itself and I can finally move on and push everything horribly bad away and out for good.No more hurt,and pain.Only blissfully happy thoughts for this girl.Blue skies and sunny days! <3

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