
I had a lunch with mama and papa just now.anddddddd tiba tiba mama ckp psl Oman.that's kinda weird to me.because I never really had a talk about Oman with mama.She said,'tak habis habis Oman.Pergi cari lelaki lain yg lg better lah.Cari yg betul betul sayang kita bukannya kita yg sayang dia.' and I was just like 'whatttttttttttt?' I don't get it.How did she knows about us?I never told her about this.It's kinda private to me.No need to share with MOM.Okay whatever.and

Maaa,I don't want anyone else.I want Oman.I want Muhammad Luqman bin Hassan.Only him.Can't you understand me?I know you care about me,you don't wanna see me hurt like last time but maa,I love him,so much.Maybe you were right,he don't love me as much as I love him.but hati org boleh berubah kan and everyone deserve a second chance or maybe third chance.So this is it,I'm giving him the chance that he deserve.Kay.I don't wanna leave him.I love him.I'm sorry maa.I love you but you know I won't leave Oman.I really hope you understand my situation.Love you ma.

Love,Nasrin Zal xx

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