Hi today happy abit.heheh no I lied,happy sangatttttttttttttt! sbb dpt jumpa my darling half blood vampire,BOSIR NATH BIN OMAR! :D heheh this is our second meet.me and my bro nak pergi tengok movie and kebetulan dia ada dkt wangsa walk so we decided to meetup.yeah hes with his other two pretty officemates.and we jalan sekejap and dia hantar I dekat my bro and dia balikkkk kena sambung kerja :( but but after I habis movie,dia datang! Thats the best part :P around 5.30 dia sampai and teman me until my papa ambil I at 7 something.heheh hes too cute *melting

and guess what,I miss him already!

He told me yg officemate dia cakap I mcm Kimora.Gosh shes the third person who said that to me :d tehee bangga much?HELL YES


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