I thought you dh mati ke apa ke kan.rupanya hidup ni mmg 'bullshit with two faces' haha you make me laugh told my friend yg you still love me?Thts shit
and you know what,I PITY YOU.bcause you're 18 now but you're not mature enough.karang ayat muka sedih dpn org cerita yg you syg I lg.wowwwwwww Im impressed but pity org tu laaa.sbb dia kan tak kenal you lg kan kan.apa laa you nak from me kan?Oh my,if only i get a chance to kill someone.I would kill seriously shit dude.but yeah this country got law bla bla bla so I cant.Im not ganna sit here and watch you lie to everyone.Im not the old Nasrin.Im not her anymore.DO REMEMBER THAT jackass

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