Complicated life of mine

Wuuh,it's kinda hmm I don't know what to say.I had ups and downs.I've been so stressed out,down,sad,depressed lately.Ohmen thingy.Argh those are killing me slowly.I ate 8 pills in one night and the next morning I felt sick.I throw up,headache.Omg I hate my life.Yea about thinking to move on tu,I don't know.I'm trying to but you know,it's kinda hard.For now,I just keep my days busy.Yesterday I went for a jogg with Pika and Ida.It's workin.abit :/ I felt 'wuuuuhhh I'm okay' yesterday.and I guess I just have to keep my life busy ayy?Time will heal my heart.That's for sure.but it's a lie if I said I don't miss him.I do miss him.He texted me yesterday and we're okay but not that okay.We're more like a friend.hmm I think I should get used to it.I shouldn't love him at the first place.My fault.

This morning,I cried and you know the reason are?I felt no one ever appreciate me.I felt unneeded.Lots of things clouding on my mind.I made Alfikri left me for't that stupid?Ohmen should appriciate it.I left Paul for Ohmen.I left everyone for him.Am I still not good enough to him?I know I'm not that perfect,but either do everyone.No one's perfect ayy.

I don't know what to do,what to think,what to say.I feel nothing.Ya know,I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.It sucks.and yea,thanks to him for making my heart empty.We'll see what's gonna happen next.Am I still here for him or I'm with someone else.


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