Peace and War

I met my oh-men and Anas just now.hehe I'm so happy.I snap pictures with my Oh-men (: *Happy face*

See,we look sooo happy together aite?but at 2.30 dia balik dh sbb kerja :/ it's okay I don't mind.and after my Oh-men balik.thereeeee we go again,Anas and Ida perang yg keberapa entah.Me and Ida,we had a small fight bcause of that problem.I pity Anas and I know I shouldn't scolded at Ida mcm tu aite.I know I know :( I didn't mean it.really.I love you cousin.I just want you to be happy that's all.

and what's surprising is,me and Oman pun kena gaduh about this juga.Hell ayy?Weird us.but we're okay now.Alhamdulillah

To my yaying Oh-men,I'm really sorry for what just happened between us tadi.I didn't mean to curse and all.I swear I love you I swear I didn't mean to hurt you.I got too emotional.I'm really sorry <3


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