Ideal guy

I listed things that I want my “BoyFriend’s Characteristics”

Saying iloveyou and MEAN it,Sweet long text messages,holding hands.iloveyou’s first thing in the morning.honest.makes you feel special.cute jealous faces.see no other girls.stolen kisses.back hugs.caring.sweet.Open.supportive.understanding.knows what to order for you when having dates.loving me for no reason.loves me for me.trusts me.doesn’t ignore me.loyal.faithful.humor. asking me to dance even without music and out of nowhere.romantic surprises.Touching my waist while walking.Actually talk to me like there’s no tomorrow.Share secrets with me.letting me use his shirts.Kissing me slowly.Laugh with me.Invite me everywhere.Hangout with my and his friends together. Taking pictures with me.When i say i love you more,deny it.Fight back.When someone say he/she loves me more than you,deny it.fight back and hug me tight so i can’t get to my friends because it makes me feel loved.Always hug me Kiss me unexpectedly.Tell me i’m beautiful.Open doors for me- it makes me feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman sometimes. Right?Tell me i’m your everything - ONLY if you mean it.If it seems like there is something wrong, ask me- if i deny something being wrong, it means I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT- so just hug me.Kiss me in front of OTHER girls/friends.DON’T lie to me.DON’T cheat on me!Take me ANYWHERE i want.Be there for me whenever i need you & even when i don’t need you,just be there so i’ll know that i can ALWAYS count on you.Hold me close when im cold so i can hold YOU too.Kiss me on the CHEEK.While in the movies, put your arm around me and then i will automatically put my head on your shoulder.Look deep into my EYES and tell me you love me.Lay down under the STARS and put my head on your chest so you can cuddle.When walking next to each other grab my HAND.When you hug me HOLD me in your arms as long as possible. Call or text me EVERY night to wish me SWEET DREAMS before you go to sleep.COMFORT me when i cry and wipe away my tears.ALWAYS remind me how much you love me.Give me your coat if im cold—thats always cute.Write letters on my back with your finger—feels good.Let me sit on your lap.HOLD my HAND in PUBLIC.Keep conversations flowing…talk about anything usually i just go along with it.If my hair is in my face move it out of my face and then kiss me passionately and gently.Kiss me in the rain.

This is sooo perfect!

Guys,keep this on your mind.


Once you lie to her & she finds out, she’s gonna wonder if you’ve been lying the whole time.
Once you lie to her & she finds out, she’s gonna wonder what else are you lying about.
Once you lie to her & she finds out, she’s no longer going to fully believe anything you say.
Once you lie to her & she finds out, she’s no longer going to fully trust you.
Once you lie to her & she finds out, good luck winning her trust back.

So,don't you ever think to lie to your girlfriend.or you'll regret.

This describe me


Fun to be with. Loves to try new things. Boy/girls LOVE you. You are very hott. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takesrep pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people’s feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly.spazzy at times.Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.

4 letters L O V E

love is a rosary that’s full of is blind.that’s one of the things that u will find in slam books.but seriously,what is love?love has loads of meaning.from different people,people with different nationalities,people with different perspectives and other science, love is just a feeling secreted by our brain.for the religion Christian,love is one of the gifts of many of us tried to be in love?answer: all of us! for me,love is not just about a feeling for a certain person,it can be appreciation to a place,a food or even a when u appreciate even a small thing,u are in love.well, maybe not in love “in love” that the movies always point out.but u are.u are also loved.we are always whom? HIM! by GOD! when you came and became as u are,when you started to know the world,when u open your eyes in the morning,that’s one of the ways GOD shows how much HE loves us.maybe this is a childish thing to ask what is love.but have you ever thought of it? what’s the real meaning of love? now, for you, what is love???? LOVE that has FOUR simple letters. L-O-V-E. you can define it definitely.i’m not saying that your definition is wrong,every definition is matter if it’s english,spanish,how simple,how bitter,how sweet or how long it is,as long as you love,you can define it in a way everybody can understand.

so love like you have never loved before. don’t let one pain can stop you from loving.

Source - Tumblr

Hi hi hi sorry didnt wrote anything lately.Kinda busy with finals.I'll be back soon.Soon enough I can promise you that,and wish me luck!


Hi today happy abit.heheh no I lied,happy sangatttttttttttttt! sbb dpt jumpa my darling half blood vampire,BOSIR NATH BIN OMAR! :D heheh this is our second and my bro nak pergi tengok movie and kebetulan dia ada dkt wangsa walk so we decided to meetup.yeah hes with his other two pretty officemates.and we jalan sekejap and dia hantar I dekat my bro and dia balikkkk kena sambung kerja :( but but after I habis movie,dia datang! Thats the best part :P around 5.30 dia sampai and teman me until my papa ambil I at 7 something.heheh hes too cute *melting

and guess what,I miss him already!

He told me yg officemate dia cakap I mcm Kimora.Gosh shes the third person who said that to me :d tehee bangga much?HELL YES


I'm lovin today

Like seriouslyyyy Syeira Long datang and ckp nonstop mcm org gilaaaaaaaaaaaaa.and at 11 get ready and all and poof we're off to wangsa walk.tunggu Bosir heheh today was our first meet and its a great day with him :) we watched movie,The Fright Night.awhhhhhhhh hes so cute.he makes me go awhhh.Like serious shit :) nak senyummmmmmm je rasa.and and Im so happy today.Thanks to Bosir Nath Omar,Ida Eddie and yeah Faiq Lutfi.we captured picture,'we' as in me and Bosir heheh hes so tall :O but me like that.yeah the penguin yg I bought frm New Zealand,I dh bg dkt dia and I think he love it.dia pegangggg je the whole time tadi.Awhhhhhhhhhhhh okay shooooooooosh I know shutup shutup