
I really wish I can have any one of this.Yes I really mean it.Why?bcause dog is the only creature on earth who loves you more than himself.Yeap Its true.I want oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


A girl,
No matter how many times she denies it,
She will always remember every detail,every moment,
every piece of the memories you've left her.
No matter how much she tries to forget,
It will always be there

Im stupid

YES I know Im stupid idiot and everything but duhh atleast I know I love him.Yes I do love him even Im just his scandal.Who cares?This is life.We cant get everything we want.Yeah I guess.but I MA HAPPY WITH WHAT I HAVE NOW.Idk if I can live without Amir ornot.Everyday text him,call him and everything.I just have no idea whats ganna happend to me if hes not around.Im ganna die I think.NAHHH Im not ganna die.just down abit maybe? :S Ieee dont wanna think abt it.Its freaking me out.Err I just can hoping tht he wont leave me.Yep haih

Its a complicated problem between Amir and his gf.haih pity my yaying Amir.nvm Im still ganna support him in any situation :) Im not ganna leave himmmm.Pinky promise :) <3
Dh okay dgn Amirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Dear self.

You stupid,stupid girl.

How could you let someone in again?How could you give someone your everything,when you knew you’d just get hurt?Don’t you learn?Don’t you understand that people are going to crush you in the end?How many times has this happened?What are you doing wrong?You are worthless.You are weak.Why do you still try after being pushed down,over and over again?Stop trying.Stop hurting.Stop crying. Sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself isn’t going to do anything.No one cares.They may seem like they care,but they don’t.Its just you now.You have to fend for yourself.Don’t ever think for a second,that someone is going to fend for you.You’re alone.You can’t fix this.You are what broke it in the first place.That image you had, of you two together is gone.Nothing’s going to make him okay back.Nothing’s going to change his mind.You must get over it.You must move on.You must pretend that this isn’t bothering you.Wipe those tears off your face,and get up off the ground.That pain you have through your whole entire body.The aching,the shaking.Get rid of it.

Don’t let it break you.

*but I cant :(

Just so everyone knows

I fuckin hate my life,I wish I could die today,I hate KL,I hate how I keep getting hurt over and over again,and I wish I had the guts to commit suicide.Im tired of living,I know its not a odd thing to hear from a 16 year old but I’m in pain all the damn time and I’m done with it. I’m tired of the tears,heartbreak,scars,lonely nights,and getting up in the morning and pretending like its all okay.When really its not.I’ll never be okay,and no one seems to care anymore.No one knows all the pain that I hold inside,no one wants to help,no one cares about me.So whats the point of living anymore.There isnt one

I'm heartbroken

Yes,Im heartbroken.You broke my heart into a million pieces.I dnt knw who you are anymore Amir.I really dont.Oh and yes,IM SORRY bcause I always think abt you and your gf.I care abt you thts why.I dont want anything happen to you and your gf.I really dont.I feel really guilty.but nahh you'll never get it.Yes I know you love me and everything but if we keep fighting,haihh idk what to say.Im tired Im really tired.You know,one day you'll leave me.dont say you're not ganna leave me bcause I know you will.We're just scandal.Scandal? got your gf and I got none! You win Amir.Congrates.You whatt?You're giving up?ohh you're giving up with all girls huh?All girls are just the same?No.GUYS ARE FUCKIN SAME.JERK.Baik time mula mula je.and apa you ckp dulu?You lain from others?Nahhh,I dont think so.If you're different frm others,why you broke my heart?Why?You dont know the answer aite.Lemme answer it fr you.YOU BROKE MY HEART BCAUSE YOU JUST REALIZE YOU LOVE YOUR GF MORE THAN YOU LOVE ME.THTS FIRST.SECOND,YOU BROKE MY HEART BCAUSE YOU JUST WOKEUP FROM YOUR DREAM,I AM JUST YOUR SCANDAL AND NOTHING MORE THAN THAT.and THIRD,NOW YOU KNOW WHATS THE DIFF BETWEEN GF AND SCANDAL.Thanks lots.and one more thing,STOP saying KEVIN's name if we're in not-okay-mood.KEVIN is just a friend.Nothing more than that.He already got a gf.and Im not ganna take Kevin from his gf.No.Just stop sebut nama Kevin in our problem.He got nothing to do with us.Do remember that.

Today (!)

Still tak baik with Amir.ergh I dont wanna think abt him.
The main reason of this post is,KEVIN MAC! :)
he's freakin niceee.He saved my life today.He teman me till JJ bustop and he go back to sch back.Omg Im touched.Thanks handsome.Really appriciate it

Sayang you muchhhh <3


Oh yeah I forgot.Tht Im just his freakin fuckin scandal.Mannn why I always forgot.I think I should stick it with glue in my head.Like seriously.He changed.Hes diff.and I aint like it.but yeah what can I do? NOTHING.he got a gf and Im just his scandal.I got no right at all to control his life and bla bla.ARGH Im fedup.Why I always stuck in this situation? Argh just why!





You broke me

I hate you.I hate you for hurting me.After being with you for I DONT WANNA REMEMBER HOW MANY MONTH WE'RE TOGETHER and being best friends and “friends with benefits” (whatever that means) for idk how many months.You ruined me.For the 1st time.You lied to me.Every bone in my body broke.We were so in love,what happened? I hated you,so much.I wanted to grab a gun and go to your house everyday to shoot you in your heart,like you did to me.I didnt care if you died.and I guess I mean it

After all what you did to me,you wanna be friend?NO it aint happening.and if its happening,dont put too much hope on me.Trust me,I can turn into a bitch in a blink of an eye.

What I need

“I need more than friends,I need soulmates.I need more than a boyfriend,I need a soulmate.I need more than family,I need soulmates.

Has anyone ever thought,ever cared,why I come to that conclusion? I don’t need people telling me how wrong I am,how bad I am.I believe I am,I know I am.I just need someone to think how can I be that wrong and that bad,how to make me feel beter,how to make me never think like that anymore.Please don’t give me crap, because I have too much and I am so tired of it.Don’t try to make me understand,I just need someone who try to make me feel better.



Guide to Surviving Break Up(s)

Cry your heart out
It's good to express yourself and let anger/sadness out.but do remember,just for a few days.dont freakin drag everynight nak menangis --'

Listen to sad songs
Woman,gatta lottttttt of sad songs is created fr you haha you can play it over and over again

Importance of Recycle bin

Remove all contacts
If he call you,REJECT.tuut tuuut,text,DELETE.1 notification from your ex on Facebook,UNFRIEND.Email?SPAM.Meanie? Nahhh not really.Its good fr both of you to move on.and later if confirm dh tk de perasaan lg.Contact ler.

Date with someone random
Go date with those people yg ajak pergi date.pergi tk salah pun.

Give yourself a chance
Break je giveup break je giveup.Whatta problematic people.What if you give yourself a chance.Love someone else and live happily ever after

Listen to happy-py-py songs

:) ):

I gave the love card to him yesterday after school! :) Awhhhhh but now we gaduh,again and again :( yea it always happend to us.

Mood; giveup
Amir dh tk merajukkkkk :) hehe Im pro I knowwwwwwwwwww :D


Im sorry.I know Im not tht good fr you.Its always your gf whos perfect and bla bla.Im sorry Imma lil bitchy sometimes.I do love you but I just cant.Its wrong.You have a gf and Im just your freakin scandal.Its really weird you know.Im sorry abt the card,abt everything I guess.but I swear I didnt mean it.Im sorry Im sorry and again Im sorry

Amir,I did a card fr you.Bukan I buat fr Kevin je.Nooo,I dont forget you.You always there in my mind 24/7.and I swear.Bfre I buat fr Kevin i dh buat untuk you dh.Dr last week I dh buat dh just tk sempat nak bg you :( Im sorry

Single life

It’s not great, it’s not not great.
Sometimes I feel forever alone and sometimes I don’t even think about relationships.I won’t say “who needs a significant other” and I won’t say “I want a boyfriend.”
Saying who needs them sounds like you’re in denial,which you probably are.Saying you want a relationship will be a subconscious drive for you to fall for any person that you become infatuated by.
Imma teenager,I’m pretty sure I don’t exactly need to be in a relationship.So there really is no need for me to feel any certain way about “being single,”it’s just whatever.I’m just waiting for someone I sincerely like.
Isn’t that funny though. hat society has set up our life this way.Society made it so that it’s irrational to be in a fully committed relationship as a adolescent.I completely understand why,but at the same time I know things don’t really need to be the way they are right now.Society seems to control us all.Society says it’s okay to dress like this,it’s not okay to dress like that.Society says this, society says that.Society is the fucking devil.

And now I’m totally off topic, but oh well.
And now I’m finished rambling.


OMGoshhhhhhhhhhh.I still cant believe my kak Nandya are otw to have a babygirl :( She grow so fast but Im still happy.Today ganna be her first baby shower! :D Cant wait cant wait.Look at the two pict above,two different Nadya.My little kak Nandya and My grow up kak Nadya :D btw Congratulationnnss Nadya Adnan and Fadzil Adnan! :) Happy fr both of youuuuuu.I can barely wait fr the little princess to come out! :) <3
Omg freakin tired plus sleepy.I balik lateeee 1 am baru balik :( mannn.Why?ermm something happend to my auntie and only few people knows abt Im not ganna write it in here.Soz.haihh I think its a private thingy.Pity my auntie :( Curse you T* hm and today Im ganna take my english paper 1 and 2.Omg I didnt nerding with english at all yesterday.and I HAVE NO IDEA what ganna happend to my eng paper today :) Dont wanna know either.but DO wish me luck


I waited for him at school like an idiot and bila pergi JJ saw him at mcd having a really good time with Justin.The freakin fuckin stupid part is he did saw me but buat bodoh mcm tak ada perasaan! Gosh I hate you Kevin! I really do

*Yes I am mad at you.but I never hate you :(
Thanks? For what? for nothing? Erm maybee.Idk what happend to us.Idk who I am to you.I guess I dont wanna know either.haih I've decided,Im ganna stay single for awhile.Enjoy-ing my time with Amir elehhhh tu yg malas tu ;)

Lazyyy me

Omg its 6.05 am dahh :( I dont wanna go to school! Im freakin sleepy plus I got no paper todayyy.but i stil HAVE to go to school.Why?Bcause I wanna meet my yaying Amirrrrrrrrrr :) ehe ehe
Last night oncall with him awhhhhhh he's cutee.We talk nonsense,laugh like a mad people together.and thats a really great moment with him.Im not ganna forget that.Never ever :) Awh Ilapchuu yaying.You're the best person ever! :) ♥ ohh my,gtg.School's calling.Errr

Luckyy mom ever

Raja Izzat Raja Ahmad

A veryyyy talented guy.He is freakin sweet.I said that bcause he made a song and SING for her mama on mothers day.Awhhh :)
Me and Amir,we dah baikkkkkkkkkkkkkk :D yeay! but with my stupid unstable mood,always merajuk bagai lah.Whatta weird me.but I lovin myself! :) yeah we text as always and today Im not feeling vewyyy well bcause I had a fever and flu and headache :( Pity me I knowwww.and yeah now Im in a exam mood.Ergh addmath,account,eko and bla blaa.Yesterday Amir sure heaven gila lah kan.HE'S OUT WITH HIS GF THE WHOLE FREAKIN DAY.mannnn yeah Im just his scandal.nahh Im okayy with it.Im strong like a bold stone :D elehhh and yeah yeah I had a fight with Kevin Mac grrrrr yea yea wtv.ganna update more soon

Happy mothers day mummy!

Dear my beloved mother,

I love you so much,i never forget you,never never give single “sigh” to look after me,to feed me, to teach me even to love are the only one who give affectionate no matter what circumstances you might face because you know my feeling very well when i happy,joy even sad and are strong woman I ever met,you will to do anything for me to make smile on my face and I know you never say “i’m tired” for always tell me,to remember the one who help me,and mom,you the one i always remember,and i’d never be oblivion for you.i still remember when i’ve argue with you made you sad and now i really lament to recall those things,im really sorry from bottom of my heart.

Your annoying daughter,
Nasrin Zal <3

Why me? :(

I have given you everything.I have done everything I could for us.I’m just so tired of trying and I’m so tired of everything.I love you too much and what it does is just making me cry.Because I know you'll never be mine.
Do you wanna know what my problem is?Ill tell you what my problem is,I LOVE YOU I love your name,I love the way you look at me,I love your smexy smile,I love the way you talk,I love your killing eyes,I love what you look like,I love the sound of your laugh,to hear your voice fills my entire heart with an indescribable feeling.I love the way I can be having the worst day of my life and seeing you completely changes my mood.but I HAVE TO LET YOU GO BCAUSE YOU'RE WITH SOMEBODY ELSE AND THATS KILLING ME RIGHT NOW!and that is my problem.You copy that?!Did you copy that?!DO YOU KNOW how much I hurt?Do you know how worst I feel!Do you know how much I wanna be with you.Its really hurt me.No,its killing me Amir
I'm so paranoid of getting hurt.Im always getting my heart broken over and over.My heart has so many scars and bruises all over it.I dont know how much just one heart can
take really,and I don't really wanna find out either.

The ugly truth

I do love Amir.So much.but he already got a girlfriend.I cant keep on scandal with him.he's with somebody else.I know how it hurts when we found out our bf cheated on us.I dont wanna hurt his gf.I dont wanna hurt anyone.haih its a hard and tough decision ever.I dont know what to do.If I decide to break with Amir,Im sure ganna miss him.haih God,please I dont know what to do.I dont wanna get hurt again.Its really hurt.and I cant hope that much.Amir lovessss his gf.I dont wanna destroy their happiness.I really hope I can make a really wise decision.Oh god DO make me strong enough to fce this thing.